terça-feira, 2 de agosto de 2016

Pérolas do Facebook–2.8.2016

Foto de Neka Duarte.

Neka Duarte

23 h ·



Ela encontrou esse bichinho na touca e o adota. Mas não sabia que ele viraria uma "criatura monstruosa"

Ela encontrou esse bichinho na touca e o adota. Mas não sabia que ele viraria uma "criatura monstruosa"




Lonely The Brave share Pink Floyd’s Comfortably Numb Cover From New EP

Lonely the Brave have shared their front of Pink Floyd's 'Comfortably Numb', taken from the band's up and coming EP – look at it beneath. EP 'Clean and Bones'…




Delegados de Polícia decidem pela suspensão de todas as ações e operações policiais

Medida foi motivada devido ao parcelamento de salários por parte do Governo do Estado




Foto de Atena Golpista.



Foto de Pr. Cláudio Duarte.

Pr. Cláudio DuarteCurtir Página

Ontem às 10:36 ·

Ótimo conselho.

por: Pr. Cláudio Duarte



The Beatles, Black Sabbath & Pink Floyd Stars Make Music Rich List

Individuals from The Rolling Stones, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin and Black Sabbath have all made it onto The Sunday Times Music Rich List. Beatles symbol Sir…







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Meet Illustrator Súa Agapé

suagape avatar

Guatemalan illustrator Súa Agapé (@suagape) creates mystical, fanciful art starring women, horses, eyes, and the cosmos, to name a few. She plays with symmetry, GIFs, mediums and color in magical ways, and we couldn't wait to learn a little more about this talented woman.

Interviewer Alexi Ueltzen (@alexi) is Ello’s Community Evangelist. If she’s not at the office, she’s probably swimming, getting muddy with her dogs or baking cookies. Seriously. The best cookies.

Frida Boreal

Alexi: Tell us a little about your background. How did you get interested in illustration?
Since I was a little girl I liked to draw. I grew up in a place full of art supplies, drawings and things that created an amazing environment. My interest for illustration started in some textbooks that woke my imagination, as well as art, toys, magazines and some cartoons on television. I decided to study Graphic Design, and that helped in many ways to strengthen my drawing skills.

sketchbook and leaves

Alexi: What inspires you, or where do you go for inspiration? 
Inspiration is everywhere, it all depends on what you like, what you do or the places you like. I like to collect little things from what is around me. I love to travel; it always inspires me, seeing new places, cultures, flavors and colors.
My country inspires me all the time. The places in Guatemala are incredible, full of intense colors, landscapes and cultural diversity.
I also like surreal things, everything that is rare and different.

abstract horse gif

Alexi: What’s next for you? Are there any new mediums you want to explore?
I've always liked the textile arena; making embroidery with my artwork is what catches my attention. Another new medium that I would like to explore is animation, recreating a story with my illustrations and see them "alive" would be great. I'm always looking for new techniques and new mediums.
Alexi: What are your thoughts on social media, and how it helps or hurts artists today? Specifically, can you share some thoughts on Ello?
I think social media has the power to promote artists, everyone can publish their work in social networks for free, receive comments, feedback and gain followers or fans. Everyone in the world can see your work.
Ello not only allows us to share our work, we can approach people who like the same things as us. What I like is that there is no advertising. Ello is a more participatory and honest network, and above all it inspires me a lot.


Alexi: Who are some of your favorite artists on Ello?
Súa: I
really love the artwork of @esteepreda (Esthera Preda) and @l0ll3. You have to follow their work! 
Alexi: What are some of your favorite materials or tools to work with?
I love ink, it’s my favorite technique. I also like working on digital illustration. I use a Wacom Intuos, it helps me on the creation of my artworks, makes it more practical to work.
Alexi: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done (or would like to do someday?)
Maybe someday I will jump with a parachute from an airplane.

digital squiggles

Alexi: Do you have a favorite piece?
At the moment I do not have a favorite piece, but if I have to select an illustration, would be "After Midnight." It’s about a woman with the body of the cosmos, full of dreams within it. It represents a lot of magic and mystery.
Alexi: What’s something about you that would surprise our readers?
Part of my family comes from a city of Guatemala called Antigua Guatemala, it’s a city full of ancient legends and ghost stories, like the Sombreron, La Tatuana and La Llorona. They’re part of the Guatemalan culture. Sometimes I like to think that some of these ghosts are part of my ancestors who come to inspire me to create stories and drawings.

painted leaf

You can follow Súa Agapé on Ello, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Behance, and Society6.



Ello Community Recognizes Their Peers


The Ello community has spoken, recognizing Natalie Foss, Guda Koster andRhys Newling for their amazing work in the SPOON x Ello | Fashion x Art Competition with the most ❤️.  They have each won a $500 grant to further pursue their art. Check out their entries below.
The judges are still working on their final choices.
Be sure to submit your work to the Arkitip x Ello Juried Art Exhibition. You have a chance to win one of four $1000 arts grants and be one of 40 artists featured in a special edition of Arkitip Magazine.

blue hair and spotted jackets

feet in patterned tights

woman with blue hair

nataliefoss avatar


Hello @spoonxello !

Illustrations from the "New Nordic Fashion Illustration Vol. 2" group show (2015) in Tallinn, Estonia.
By Natalie Foss
Website: http://nataliefoss.co.uk


girl with skirt pulled up to head

woman wrapped in fabric on sofa

couple in spotted outfits with houses on heads

gudakoster avatar

Guda Koster www.gudakoster.nl


models in white

geometric ironwork

models in white in a park

rhysnewling avatar

Models - Sarah Jerk & Georgia Sheales
Designer - Sandra Estepho
Photographer - Rhys Newling
Sculpture - Neil Taylor, Theoretical Matter 1999-2000
Location - Heide Museum of Modern Art Melbourne


The Creators Network.






As asas da Força Terrestre nos Jogos Olímpicos #Rio2016




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Concepção artística do exótico sistema binário de estrelas AR Scorpii #ESO



















Origem do termo arena

A expressão arena, que indica lugar em que se luta, nasceu na tradição romana de promover espetáculos em que a luta dos escravos ou dos condenados contra leões era o ponto alto.
Arena é a palavra latina para areia que havia nas praças de espetáculos, para absorver o sangue dos lutadores.

segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2016

Adolescente de 15 anos mata ladrão que invadiu sua casa no Paraná

O menor entrou em luta corporal com o assaltante que estava armado, conseguiu desarmá-lo e atirou duas vezes no ladrão

No Distrito de Guaragi, em Ponta Grossa, Paraná, um adolescente de 15 anos matou um bandido ao reagir em uma tentativa de assalto, segundo a Polícia Militar. As informações são do site Uol.

O jovem relatou que percebeu uma movimentação estranha porque os cachorros da residência estavam inquietos, latindo muito, e foi quando o morador se deparou com o bandido armado em um dos quartos da casa.

O menor entrou em luta corporal com o assaltante que estava armado, conseguiu desarmá-lo e atirou duas vezes no ladrão. João Jantara Neto de 19 anos, foi socorrido pelo SAMU, mas não resistiu e morreu no local.

O Povo Online