segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015

EI sequestra 220 cristão assírios no nordeste da Síria

10 MINUTES enviou EI sequestra 220 cristão assírios no nordeste da Síria


Dezenas de pessoas se reuniram em Jdeideh, no Líbano, para exigir a soltura dos mais de 200 cristãos assírios que foram sequestrados por milicianos do grupo Estado Islâmico (EI) no nordeste da Síria.
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Cresce ilha vulcânica que surgiu em 2013 no Pacífico


Uma nova ilha vulcânica que emergiu há pouco mais de um ano e fica a mil quilômetros de Tóquio ainda cresce depois de se fundir com outra. Antes desacreditada, a ilha agora tem grandes chances de sobreviver.
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Leonard Nimoy, o Spock de Star Trek, morre aos 83 anos


O cinema perdeu nesta sexta-feira uma de seus astros. Morreu o ator Leonard Nimoy, o Spock de 'Star Trek'.
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Solar Impulse 2 tenta volta ao mundo


A bordo do Solar Impulse 2, os pilotos Bertrand Piccard e André Borschberg vão tentar a primeira volta ao mundo com uma aeronave movida a energia solar, saindo de Abu Dhabi, no início de março. ATUALIZAÇÃO
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Madonna diz que intolerância lembra nazismo na guerra


A cantora americana Madonna, que ainda se recupera do susto da queda durante a premiação do Brit awards, disse que a intolerância na França e na Europa lembra o nazismo na Alemanha.

10 MINUTES enviou NASA's Dawn Spacecraft Spots Two Bright Points on Planet Ceres


NASA scientists still don’t have a clear picture of the bright spots showing up on the surface of Ceres, a minor planet in the asteroid belt.


Image via: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA

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Credit: Newsy Science

10 MINUTES enviou Astronauts Mark Leonard Nimoy’s Passing


NASA Astronaut Mike Fincke and ESA European Space Agency Astronaut Luca Parmitano reflect on the inspiration that actor Leonard Nimoy’s character Mr. Spock in the television series Star Trek had on scientists, engineers, space explorers and fans around the globe.

For a high-resolution version:­20p

10 MINUTES enviou Spacewalks continue on ISS on This Week @Nasa


On Feb. 25, International Space Station Commander Barry Wilmore and Flight Engineer Terry Virts of NASA continued rigging power and data cables during the second in a series of three spacewalks to prepare for installation of two new docking ports for the future arrival of U.S. commercial crew spacecraft. The new docking adapters will begin arriving at the station later this year. During airlock repressurazation at the conclusion of the spacewalk, Virts reported seeing a small amount of water floating in his helmet. No water was reported during the EVA and the crew was never in any danger. The third and final spacewalk of the series is scheduled for no earlier than March 1. Also, Preview of magnetic mission, Earth is changing. We’re on it, Soil moisture satellite deploys antenna and Groundbreaking for commercial crew access tower.

10 MINUTES enviou Preparing America for Deep Space Exploration Episode 8: Taking Flight #NasaReel


NASA is continuing to make great strides towards sending humans farther than we have ever gone before. Take a look at the work being done by teams all across the nation on NASA’s exploration programs, including the Space Launch System, the Orion Crew Capsule and the Ground Systems Development and Operations Program, as they continue to propel human spaceflight into the next generation.

HD download link:­eepSpaceExplorationE­pisode8TakingFlight

Credit: Reel NASA

Aqui entre Nós com Marco Antonio Villa

Joice Hasselmann e Marco Antonio Villa falam sobre o protesto dos caminhoneiros e a entrevista coletiva do ministro Cardozo.

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Incompetência petista sem fronteiras
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Boletim da Voz – 25 de fevereiro
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Sala de Redação - 23/02/2015
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Cygnus X-1 in 60 Seconds #ChandraXrayObservato­ry
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Empresa portuguesa testa drone dirigido por força do pensamento
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10 MINUTES enviou Cratera engole casal na Coreia do Sul


Um vídeo que mostra a queda de um casal em um buraco na rua na Coreia do Sul viralizou nas redes sociais. O caso voltou a levantar questionamentos em relação às normas de segurança no país.

10 MINUTES enviou Os aviões-tanque


Uma porta-aviões francês iniciou operações no Golfo intensificando a participação francesa na campanha militar liderada pelos Estados Unidos contra o grupo Estado Islâmico. A França tem 9 Rafales nos Emirados Árabes Unidos e 6 Mirages na Jordânia operando no Iraque junto a uma patrulha marítima e uma aeronave com abastecimento em pleno voo. ORIGINAL
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Buracos Negros


Buracos negros habitam a galáxia há bilhões de anos. Campo gravitacional mais poderoso do universo, nada, nem mesmo a luz, pode escapar deles. REENVIO
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou NASA | The Big Bang


This dominant cosmological theory suggests the Universe began nearly 13.7 billion years ago, expanding rapidly from a very dense and incredibly hot state. Eventually, stars ignited and galaxies slowly formed. The Big Bang theory has been imporved and advanced especially through NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer (COBE) and WMAP missions. This animation conceptualizes these explosive beginnings of the Universe.

This animation begins with a pinpoint of light as the Big Bang, and continues to show the formation of the first stars and galaxies.

For more information:

Credit: NASA Goddard

10 MINUTES enviou Black Hole Launches 'Bullets' of Gas #Nasa


Using observations from NASA's Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) satellite and the National Science Foundation's (NSF) Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) radio telescope, an international team of astronomers has identified the moment when a black hole in our galaxy launched superfast knots of gas into space.

Racing outward at about one-quarter the speed of light, these "bullets" of ionized gas are thought to arise from a region located just outside the black hole's event horizon, the point beyond which nothing can escape.

The research centered on the mid-2009 outburst of a binary system known as H1743-322, located about 28,000 light-years away toward the constellation Scorpius. Discovered by NASA's HEAO-1 satellite in 1977, the system is composed of a normal star and a black hole of modest but unknown masses.

Their orbit around each other is measured in days, which puts them so close together that the black hole pulls a continuous stream of matter from its stellar companion. The fl... (mais)

10 MINUTES enviou The Sound of the Big Bang


A decade ago, American physics professor John Cramer released an audio file -- the sound of the Big Bang. Now with new data from ESA's Planck mission Cramer reran his simulation and released this hi-fidelity version.
What you here is a sound wave calculated from the cosmic background radiation spectrum, extrapolated back and forth in time to gain a 50 seconds version of the theorized sound waves for the first 760,000 years after the Big Bang. During that time the universe was dense enough to carry sound waves similar to Earth's atmosphere.

If this is at least similar to what was really going on in terms of sound of the Big Bang could be revealed by a LISA-class mission, expected to launch in 2028. For the very first time we will then be able to listen to the tiny fluctuations in spacetime caused by accelerated matter. This will tell us about the dark side of our Universe, yet unknown objects, and maybe even about the Big Bang itself.

Sound: © 2013 by John G. Cramer, Unive... (mais)

10 MINUTES enviou Cygnus X-1 in 60 Seconds #ChandraXrayObservato­ry


Over three decades ago, Stephen Hawking placed, and eventually lost, a bet against the existence of a black hole in Cygnus X-1.

Credit: Chandra X-ray Observatory

10 MINUTES enviou Athena and eLISA: Together We Will Unveil the Hidden Secrets of the Universe


The European Space Agency (ESA) has recently begun choosing candidates for the next large mission launch slots. The first step was the submission of white papers advocating science themes. Out of many candidates, ESA now selected two.

"We had a difficult task in deciding which scientific themes to choose from all of the excellent candidates, but we believe that missions to study the hot, energetic Universe and gravitational waves will result in discoveries of the greatest importance to cosmology, astrophysics, and physics in general," says Catherine Cesarsky, chair of the Senior Survey Committee of the European Space Agency.

The two selected since themes are:

The Hot and Energetic Universe, addressed by the Athena mission


The Gravitational Universe, addressed by the eLISA mission

10 MINUTES enviou Unlock the Gravitational Universe - Black Holes, Compact Binaries, the Big Bang


This trailer is not for a movie, it's not for a TV show and it's not for a computer game. This trailer is for the largest instrument ever built by humanity. An enormous space-based gravitational wave detector that will measure distortions of space-time, revolutionize astronomy, our understanding of physics, and the past and future of our cosmos. That's it really.....enjoy! :)

LISA Mission / eLISA Mission
Song: "First Hero" by Vera Ohl (musicfox UG)

Credit: LISA Mission

10 MINUTES enviou Jihadista John o carrasco britânico do EI é identificado


Mohammed Emwazi, um desenvolvedor de software de 26 anos, foi apresentado nesta quinta-feira pela imprensa estrangeira como o misterioso carrasco que aparece em vídeos da decapitação de reféns pelo Estado Islâmico. Conhecido como 'Jihadista John', o radical é um dos combatentes islamitas mais procurados do mundo.
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou EI destrói estátuas milenares em museu no Iraque


Além de espalhar o medo e o terror nas cidades que conquistaram, os extremistas do grupo Estado Islâmico também se preocupam em destruir a cultura daqueles que consideram inimigos. Os alvos dos jihadistas são museus com obras de arte milenares.
Crédito: AFP

10 MINUTES enviou Toneladas de peixes mortos são retirados da Baia de Guanabara


A Comlurb retirou mais de 12 toneladas de peixes da Baía de Guanabara em dois dias. A mortandade traz preocupação sobre a realização das provas de vela da Olimpíada de 2016 que vão ser realizada no local.

0 MINUTES enviou MUSE view of the Hubble Deep Field South n STEwz5Mjg


The MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope has given astronomers the best ever three-dimensional view of the deep Universe. After staring at the Hubble Deep Field South region for a total of 27 hours the new observations reveal the distances, motions and other properties of far more galaxies than ever before in this tiny piece of the sky. But they also go beyond Hubble and reveal many previously unseen objects.

More information and download options:

Credit: ESO/MUSE Consortium/R. Bacon

10 MINUTES enviou A video view of MUSE data of the Hubble Deep Field South


The MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope has given astronomers the best ever three-dimensional view of the deep Universe. After staring at the Hubble Deep Field South region for a total of 27 hours the new observations reveal the distances, motions and other properties of far more galaxies than ever before in this tiny piece of the sky. But they also go beyond Hubble and reveal many previously unseen objects.This version is shown superimposed on the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image of the field.

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Credit: Eso Observatory - ESO/MUSE Consortium/R. Bacon

Vídeo dos dados MUSE do Hubble Deep Field South

O instrumento MUSE montado no Very Large Telescope do ESO deu aos astrônomos a melhor visão tridimensional do Universo profundo obtida até hoje. Após observar a região do Hubble Deep Field South durante apenas 27 horas, as novas observações revelam distâncias, movimentos e outras p... (mais)

10 MINUTES enviou ESOcast 72 – Looking Deeply into the Universe in 3D


The MUSE instrument on ESO’s Very Large Telescope has given astronomers the best ever three-dimensional view of the deep Universe. After staring at the Hubble Deep Field South region for a total of 27 hours the new observations reveal the distances, motions and other properties of far more galaxies than ever before in this tiny piece of the sky. But they also go beyond Hubble and reveal many previously unseen objects.
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Assassinato de Boris Nemtsov, opositor de Putin, choca a comunidade internacional

10 MINUTES enviou Assassinato de Boris Nemtsov, opositor de Putin, choca a comunidade internacional


O assassinato de Boris Nemtsov chocou a comunidade internacional e o presidente americano, Barack Obama, condenou a brutal execução do líder da oposição russa na madrugada deste sábado pelo horário local.
Crédito: AFP 

 vejapontocom enviou Recado do governo petista: mãos ao alto, isto é um assalto

 10 MINUTES enviou Dawn, Mission to the Asteroid Belt HD – Narrated by Leonard Nimoy 4ObsViTRT18 mp4
February 25, 2015—Dwarf planet Ceres continues to puzzle scientists as NASA's Dawn spacecraft gets closer to being captured into orbit around the object. The latest images from Dawn, taken nearly 29,000 miles (46,000 kilometers) from Ceres, reveal that a bright spot that stands out in previous images lies close to yet another bright area.
Produced in 2007, this overview video about NASA's Dawn mission to giant asteroid Vesta and dwarf planet Ceres was released before the spacecraft's launch that year. The mission greatly appreciated Leonard Nimoy's support and participation. Dawn investigated Vesta in 2011-2012, and will arrive at Ceres March 6, 2015. For more information about Dawn, visit .
vejapontocom enviou Janot, a esfinge: camarada ou precavido?


O Procurador-Geral da República, Rodrigo Janot, quer ajudar a enfraquecer a Lava Jato de fato e proteger poderosos? Ou está trabalhando com cautela para não dar munição aos bandidos? Entenda.

Governo aumenta impostos sobre a folha de pagamento e a Aneel dá uma
canetada que vai significar reajuste de energia a partir de
segunda-feira. Tudo reflexo da política econômica de Dilma Rousseff.
Enquanto isso os caminhoneiros continuam bloqueando estradas. Em
Brasília, Janot quanto mais se explica, mas complica. Acompanhe as
principais notícias desta noite com Joice Hasselmann e a equipe de VEJA. 

 vejapontocom enviou Bel Coelho: é necessário um ótimo administrador para manter restaurante


Joice Hasselmann e Arnaldo Lorençato, editor de gastronomia de Veja São Paulo, recebem a chef Bel Coelho para contar sobre sua expedição pelo Brasil que rendeu o programa ‘Receita de Viagem’, com estreia no próximo dia 6, no TLC. Hoje ela se dedica ao menu degustação no seu restaurante sazonal Clandestino.

Jornal da Cultura - Importantíssimo sobre Lula