sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2016

Pérolas do Facebook - 18.11.2016

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10.151.370 visualizações
Cabelos, Unhas & Makeup
vim ensinar a salvar 3 produtinhos que achavas não ter mais solução
Por: Mari Porto Makeup

4.500.235 visualizações
Universo Curioso
7 Reações químicas incríveis.

A imagem pode conter: cachorro

Eles são tão pequeninos!

Ter um animal de estimação em casa exige alguns cuidados. Mas o trabalho é pequeno se comparado aos benefícios que eles nos trazem. Veja o que 7 estudos recentes nos dizem sobre isso:
Ter um animal de estimação em casa exige alguns cuidados. Mas o trabalho é…

Marcos Do Val
18 h
No programa Encontro da Fátima Bernardes, da Rede Globo desta quinta-feira 17/11/16, foi perguntado aos entrevistados e auditório, quem eles salvariam se estivesse precisando de salvamento: O policial levemente ferido ou o traficante gravemente ferido. A maioria, 7 pessoas contra 1 escolheram o traficante.
Qual seria a sua escolha?

Assim eu faço um lero bem bacana até com o capeta!!! Povo burro dando dinheiro pra este pilantra!
DestaqueLOUCURA: Em banheira de OURO bispo EDIR MACEDO afirma falar com Deus 24/10/2016 0 418782 Partilhar no Facebook Tweet no Twitter Em…

A revista Viagem e Turismo escolheu a orla de João Pessoa como a mais bonita do Nordeste em sua última edição do ano passa...

Porto Alegre 24 Horas - reserva adicionou 2 novas fotos.
17 h
Cão encontrado no Petrópolis
"Acabei de achar esse cachorro perdido na rua do meu serviço, a Barão do Amazonas no bairro Petrópolis. Peço ajuda para encontrarmos seus donos"

Orientações para Solicitar Operação Espiritual (Fluídica) à Distância (em casa) 1. Enviar carta informando: nome, idade,...

Economista Ricardo Amorim explica a importância da PEC 241/55

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59.924.016 visualizações
America's Funniest Home Videos
Proof our lives would have a lot less laughs without man's best friend!
Find more reasons to laugh with AFV's new episode this Sunday at 7/6c on ABC.

Praia da Cal - Torres, para até 7 pessoas
3 quartos
2 banheiros
Vaga para automóveis
Valor diárias conforme a data
Taxa de limpeza. 140,00
Proxima a praia
Consulte !

Dois cães da raça pit bull foram encontrados em uma rua da Flórida. A polícia foi acionada e os policiais confortaram os animais até a chegada do resgate.

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6.197.168 visualizações
André Luís Michels AlcântaraSeguir
Ponha limites no seu filho. Os limites impostos pelos outros tendem a ser bem mais cruéis que os seus.

1.450.898 visualizações
Salve o Planeta
Parece que ele também gosta de cama elástica rsrs

Divaldo Franco - Qual é o remédio para a depressão? Quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2016 por Divaldo Franco 5 Média 1 O que você achou desta mensagem? Seu nome: (Obrigatório) Seu e-mail: (Obrigatório) @ Para:…

Augusto Pacheco
23 hPorto Alegre
# Bahhh :D

Lúcio Borges
23 h
É impressionante como a imprensa marxista e chapa branca adora manipular a informação. Nas escolas, nas faculdades e no orto CEEE é "ocupação". Já na Câmara dos Deputados, a imprensa marxista classificou como "invasão". Na verdade, em ambos os casos é invasão. Acontece é que nos casos onde chamam de "ocupação", que fez isso são os marionetes do socialismo, enquanto que na Câmara dos Deputados, são as pessoas decentes, que querem o Brasil decente. Você só ocupa aquilo que não tem dono e que não é utilizado por ninguém. Nas escolas, nas faculdades, milhares de pessoas, de alunos utilizam esses locais. Estes locais foram INVADIDOS e agora uma minoria utiliza esses espaços, em detrimento de uma maioria.

6.935 visualizações
Indiana Ariete
10 h
Veja aí Rede Globo.... o que a população acha de quem "socorre" o traficante.... Repórter Caco Barcelos, que adora tacar o "pau" na polícia e com certeza optaria também pelo traficante... ADIVINHA QUEM SALVOU ELE...?

Alguns homens são como o vinho: só ficam melhor com a idade!


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Meet Conceptual Artist Joseph Shaeffer

Joseph Shaeffer (@josephshaeffer) is a conceptual t(h)inkerer who runs a trans-disciplinary studio practice and a virtual repository for the ongoing, contiguous dialogue between the disciplines of contemporary art, design and the sciences.
Interviewer Todd Berger (@todd) is CEO and co-founder of Ello, The Creators Network. He has nearly two decades experience in contemporary graphic design and brand strategy, and maintains a conceptual art practice. His award winning design studio, Berger & Föhr, is internationally recognized, and its work has been widely published and exhibited around the world.
Gradients by Joseph Schaeffer
Gradient Study 03
Laser cut and bonded illustration board, gray scale chipsmounted and framed with AR coated museum glass

Todd: If memory serves me, we met about 17 years ago. I was in the midst of figuring out how to make my first design business work and you were sorting out how to make your art and get your studio practice off the ground. Does that sound about right?
Yep, that’s when we started seeing each other around Boulder. I would always wonder who that guy with the big hair was skating past my studio late at night! I had actually been making work for a couple of years prior to that but it was around 2000 that I started to have shows in Denver. It was in 2002 that we got to know each other better when you helped me on my submission for the World Trade Center Site Memorial.
Todd: Yeah man, that was a really great project to collaborate on. I’ve always felt honored and grateful that you pulled me in on that one. How did you find your way to making art?
I’ve always been a relatively creative person but I came into art somewhat late in life. I was studying mechanical engineering and was having difficulty processing some of the spatial problems that are inherent in that field. I’ve always struggled with dyslexia and through the years I’ve learned to develop a certain set of work-arounds so that I can process problems in a way that only my brain will understand. So my work-around for these spatial problems was to build actual three-dimensional objects, just simple shapes really, that I could physically hold in my hands and view from any angle. Part of my dyslexic brain has a really difficult time understanding three-dimensional objects when presented in a two dimensional media. It’s hard to explain, an example would be that when I look at a three-dimensional CAD drawing a ton of information is lost along the way and the individual objects become a dense jumble of indiscernible lines.
Growth Specimen by Joseph Schaeffer
Growth Specimen 001
Watercolor on Yupo

Todd: So would you say that these early objects, while helping with your spatial problem solving, led you to focus on making sculpture?
It was certainly a point of transition for me. School was starting to become hard to keep up with because I was also working full time. I have never been one to dabble in things, so I went headlong into making art and school eventually fell to the side. Around this time I also discovered the work of the Russian constructivists and that stuff really resonated with me. I got heavily into studying the history of those artists, Naum Gabo in particular, and I became a student of that movement for a long while.
Todd: One can most definitely see the influence of the constructivist movement in your early work. Can you talk a bit about that early work and how it transitioned into the type of work you have been interested in making more recently, over the past few years?
Sure. I started out making constructions that relied on magnetism to create physical tension within the composition and form. This was the Magnetic Sustension work. I kind of took that as far as I wanted to and ditched the magnetic aspect of the work and started to rely on more traditional means of tensioning an object (steel cable and fasteners) while infusing the object with a narrative referencing physical tension as part of the human condition. This body of work was called …Manifest As Tension.
A Dark Tower by Joseph Schaeffer
TNS 550-05 (A Dark Tower...From The Confines Of The Mind)
Aluminum, stainless steel, acrylic
After that came the Void Studies. I got very into the psychological aspect of things in my life and wanted to explore what the existence of the Void might mean to me as an artist. The work from this series initially consisted of satellite images that I would overlay on top of hundreds of layers of hand cut paper. In the process of spending hour upon hour cutting these voids into the paper it occurred to me that I was filling some unknown void in my personal life by creating an actual, physical void.
Read the Full Interview
The Creators Network.


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Parabéns ao Dr. Gabriel e ao Nestor Hein e equipe

Efeito suspensivo copeiro.

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