sexta-feira, 14 de outubro de 2016

Sérvia: Rússia e Sérvia realizam exercícios militares'BARS 2016' próximos a Belgrado



Publicado em 14 de out de 2016

Sérvia: Rússia e Sérvia realizam exercícios militares'BARS 2016' próximos a Belgrado
Serbia: Russia & Serbia carry out 'BARS 2016' military drills near Belgrade
Military personnel of the Russian Aerospace Forces continued to participate in the joint Russian-Serbian 'BARS 2016' military drills at the Batajnica airport near Belgrade, Thursday.
Around 10 joint Russian-Serbian crews conducted combat search and rescue as well as training aimed at protecting airspace and securing air transport in Serbia. A number of different fighter jets and helicopters took part in the drills including the Russian Mi-17V-5 helicopter and the MiG-29 jet fighter.
SOT, Colonel Bane Krnjajic, head of BARS 2016 military drills from the Serbian Army (Serbian): "The aim of these drills is to increase the level of military operational capacity while carrying out tasks during a mission; more specifically speaking - protection of the airspace of the Republic of Serbia and combat search and rescue, as well as air transport."
SOT, Colonel Bane Krnjajic, head of BARS 2016 military drills from the Serbian side (Serbian): "I would like to say that these drills are very special for both sides, not only in terms of training, but also in terms of experience because during the last two years we have exchanged a lot of military experience. It is of great importance for the Serbian Air Force and Army, as well as for the Aerospace Forces of the Russian Federation."
SOT, Colonel Konstantin Surikov, head of BARS 2016 military drills from the Russian side (Russian): "This year we have decided that the same aircrews that took part in the drills last year would participate in the drills this year as well. This has been done with the aim of strengthening friendly relations and boosting our international cooperation."
SOT, Colonel Konstantin Yuryevich Surikov, head of the drill operations in Russian army (Russian): "The International Military Games have been taking place on the territory of the Russian Federation for the third year in a row. We are inviting everyone to participate in the aviation competition called 'Aviadarts' within the games. That is why if NATO countries are willing to take part in 'Aviadarts,' they are very welcome."
Video ID: 20161013 048
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