quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2016

Pérolas do Facebook - 12.10.2016

Prefiro bicho do que gente com Psicomaníaco.
20 h
Não existe uma verdade maior que essa!

Rua da Praia, lotada!!! Que maravilha!!!😂😂😂

Filhos de Fé
Os animais sagrados para os Ciganos
O animal tem grande importância na vida do Cigano.
O mocho ou coruja: é muito valorizado, porque assim como o morcego, prova a vidência extra sensorial, só enxerga á noite e possui grande capacidade de proteção e sobrevivência. Simboliza a magia por excelência.
O Lobo: é o seu fiel companheiro no Leste da Europa, possuindo grande resistência física e instinto de proteger sua alcateia.
Simboliza proteção e fidelidade á família; atrai pessoas sinceras.
O Cão: mostram grande fidelidade como o lobo, admiração e amor pelo dono; funcionam como guardiões.
Simboliza a incansável dedicação para o bem do seu dono, afasta energias negativas e doenças de quem o cuida.
O Galo: é encontrado em lendas e contos ciganos, um animal que sempre acorda e canta na hora certa.
Simboliza a disciplina no trabalho, os ciganos acreditam que o canto do galo afasta os espíritos das trevas.
O Cavalo: Para um cigano, é como um familiar. Acompanhante de longas jornadas, é um trabalhador incansável, mostra o caminho certo e se recusa a continuar quando vê algum perigo nas estradas. Dizem que ele pressente o desastre e enxerga espíritos malignos. Nunca se deve forçar um cavalo que empaca na estrada a continuar, o mais aconselhável é retornar o caminho de onde veio e obedecer aos instintos deste animal.
Simboliza força, determinação e dedicação a trabalhos pesados. Quando um cigano morria antigamente, segundo a tradição, era sacrificado o seu cavalo; e queimava-se o corpo dele junto ao dono; acreditavam que o fogo conduzia as almas dos dois para a Luz.
O Gato: Apesar de muitas pessoas acreditarem que os ciganos não gostam de gatos, isso não confere a verdade. Esse animal é admirado por eles, pelo fato de possuir extrema força espiritual, limpando principalmente as tendas, e o acampamento cigano de energias obscuras.
Simboliza astúcia, cuidado, magia, esperteza e poder de afastar o mal.

Tribo é
É forte, mas é a realidade!

A imagem pode conter: texto

Marcel van Hattem
19 h
Esse monstro que a esquerda petista e auxiliar está criando com a PEC do teto dos gastos é uma baboseira. É só a economia crescer que o teto sobe, minha gente. É só o governo diminuir gastos supérfluos, privatizar tudo o que não deveria estar nas suas mãos, continuar demitindo a cupinchada, fechar as torneiras do dinheiro público para sindicatos e ONGS vermelhas - incluindo CUT, MST, UNE, etc. - e deixar a economia quebrada pelo PT se recuperar com menos burocracia e menos impostos, que a arrecadação do governo vai subir e o teto dos gastos também. Pôxa!

3.766.864 visualizações
Marize Reis Py
Gente, vejam o que o golden fez na casa, rindo muito. Kkkkkk

A imagem pode conter: cachorro

Banco contorna limite de funding, mas não tem demanda por empréstimos

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Casa caiu!! 😂😂

Portal Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre - HCPA. Hospital público, geral e universitário, atendendo em cerca de 60 especialidades, com uma clientela…



Remix Moby's Newest Single

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MetaPop – @metapop – is running a very cool opportunity for anyone who loves Moby, remixing and/or EDM. Not your scene? Stoke out your friends and let them know.

Here’s your chance to remix one of music’s true legends while giving back. Grab the Stems for Moby’s new single “Don’t Leave Me” and get to work. Proceeds from each upload will be donated to Mercy For Animals. The winning remix will win a major release and some sweet prizes from Native Instruments.
moby remix competition
Our friends at MetaPop encourage you to play with new sounds, new techniques and create something that feels exceptional. All genres are welcome - Downtempo, Pop, House, Trap, Electronica, Future R&B and even Future Deathmetal. Like Ello, MetaPop is a welcoming and supportive community. We look forward to hearing your awesome remixes.
Mix It Up
The Creators Network.



Meet Photographer Kate Rose

kate_rose avatar
Kate Rose – @kate_rose – is a Denver-based photographer who specializes in motorcycles, portraiture and general badassery. Read on to learn a bit more about the woman behind the camera.

Interviewer Alexi Ueltzen – @alexi – is Ello's Community Evangelist. When she's not Ello'ing her butt off, she's probably swimming or taking ugly pictures of her dogs while they sleep.
Man smoking on a motorcycle
Alexi: Tell us a little about your background. How did you get interested in photography and develop your style?
 It’s kind of hard to say. I’m not sure that I know of a specific thing that really got me into photography, but I distinctly recall getting a cheap toy camera in a cereal box rebate as a kid. I mostly photographed landscapes and random things here and there, but nothing really major. I think I became a lot more serious about it at the age of 13 when I purchased the Kodak EasyShare V570, which at the time was the world's first dual-lens digital still camera and smallest ultra-wide-angle optical zoom digital camera. I think this is what really pushed me to realize photography was something I wanted to spend more time doing.

When I was 16, I got my first DSLR, a Canon 40D. That’s probably when I really started developing my style. That camera was my baby up until 2012 when I purchased my Canon 5d Markii. I was taking some photo classes in college and it helped push me to find what made my photos mine. It was kind of nice having something that forced you to think of concepts and made me want to become a better photographer. After I moved to Colorado, I met this rad group of motorcycle babes called the Scarlet Headers. That was actually my gateway into photographing motorcycles, and the way I made my first group of friends in the city. I think after photographing them, it just propelled me to where I’m at today. I’ve had all these crazy opportunities just kind of fall into my lap after moving to Denver, and it blows my mind how it keeps happening. I’m so thankful for all the opportunities this city has given me.
two women
Alexi: Although we get a good idea of your passions through your photography (motorcycles, portrait photography, the outdoors), you don’t spend much time talking about yourself. Is photography your full time gig?
Photography actually isn’t my full time gig. Full time, I work as a production manager for a company called Outspoke, we’re the un-agency agency that prides ourselves in being a strategic partner for our clients creative and marketing teams. What I really love about doing this full time is that it allows me work on my photography on the side as well as for the company. It’s nice to be able to work somewhere that allows me to constantly be creative. I’m constantly staying busy though outside of my day job, between my own photography work and just going out and enjoying the state I live in. I like going to shows, going to breweries, hiking, and even just chilling with friends and taking it easy. Either way, I almost always have something going on.

Alexi: Most of your photography is based in and around Denver. What are some of the things you like best about Colorado (either from a photographic or lifestyle perspective)?
I was born and raised in Ohio and have only been in Colorado for two years now, but I think I didn’t really find my true photography niche until I moved here. There’s so many things that I love about Colorado, one of the main reasons I moved here was actually for the pine trees and mountains. There’s always something to do here too, be it things going on in the city, or maybe I just want to escape to the mountains for a weekend. I love how generous and kind the people are here too. People really go above and beyond to help you out here and rarely ask for something in return. And I don’t think you can really talk about Colorado without talking about the sun. It’s crazy how much I’ve noticed a difference in my mood, especially during the winter months, because of how much sun is here. It certainly does affect the mind.

Read the rest of our interview with Kate.
woman in sunflower fields
Read the whole interview
The Creators Network.


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